REGISTER FOR 2025! We are still accepting applications for Grades-R to Grade-12 for 2025.
From early childhood development right through to matric, tertiary and vocational levels, we strive to accelerate every individual to reach their full potential.

AEE makes use of an international curriculum, taking all content through a process that makes it more relevant within a South African and African context.

Impaq also offers Bible Education (Grades R – 9), isiZulu (Grades 1 – 4), LEGO® Robotics and Coding (Grades 1 – 5), and Resolute Robotics (Grades 7 – 12) as additional subjects.
No matter what your learners require, we have the solutions for you. Understanding that every mind works differently, we use a variety of learning approaches and training methods that help young minds to perform at their best. This means a tailored and individualised learning approach that instils values, morals and character traits that foster academic excellence. We represent comprehensive education without the learning gaps and barriers that often come with a mainstream approach to education.